Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Yesterday was an awesome day.  Yesterday I was invited to my very first BBQ/playdate.

My adventure started off with me refusing to get into Sister's car.  There was really no reason why I didn't want to cooperate.  I guess I just wanted to be difficult.  Anyway, after much pleading, a few belly rubs, and some assistance from Pa, I jumped into the car and set myself down directly behind Sister and proceeded to drool and pant loudly in her ear while she drove away.

Just when I was starting to run out of drool (yes, it can happen), Sister pulled over, got out of the car, and let me out as well.  As soon as my feet touched the ground I started looking around for familiar sights, but I saw nothing that I recognized.  Then, all of a sudden, I heard it:  the sharp bark of my bff Mecki.  I was at Mecki's house!  Dragging Sister and all of her bags behind me (Sister just can't seem to pack lightly), I bolted toward Mecki's backyard.

Once behind the gate I:
Snout to Snout with Mecki
  • Ran around like a crazy dog chasing and being chased by Mecki.
  • Ate about half of the cookie that Karin gave me (Mecki came by later to eat the pieces I left behind).
  • Stuck my snout in a bucket of water in search of Karin's fish, Mr. Freckles (he was shy and didn't say hello to me).
  • Snacked on some grass.
  • Wet on Karin's cucumber plant.

Just as I was starting to get worn out (Mecki has unlimited energy...I honestly don't think he ever gets tired), I heard a noise coming from the gate.  It was Joan, the lady known for carrying around baby carrots for good little puppies.  After collecting a sufficient amount of pets from Joan, Mecki and I spent a good ten minutes mooching carrots from her (I slobbered on her in thanks).  I like Joan a lot, and not just because she gave me carrots; she also repeatedly complemented me on my gorgeous eyelashes (it is always nice when someone notices and comments on your devilishly good looks).

Mecki Wants to Play...I Want to Nap
The rest of the evening consisted of Mecki and I barking hysterically at the neighbors (both of the two and four legged varieties) while Karin, Joan, Mecki's dad Andre, and my Sister tried to have a conversation.  Then Mecki and I chased each other around the backyard for a time.  Eventually, I got tired, but Mecki didn't, so I had to give him a few good paws across the side of the head to make him stop (he didn't get the hint).

Now, I've debated long and hard on whether or not I should tell you, my loyal readers, the next part of my adventure.  You see, it was really kind of alarming and embarrassing.  When it first happened, I immediately thought that I should simply pretend that it never occurred.  In the hours since, however, I've decided that I should tell my story so that other dogs might learn from my mistake.

Well, here it goes:

It was time to go home and Karin and Mecki walked Sister and I out to the car.  Sister opened the door and gave me the command "up and in."  Like earlier, I refused to get into the car and flopped down like an 80lb rag doll (I witnessed Mecki do the same thing a few minutes earlier...he's quite good at it) and rolled over to show my belly.  Sister begged and pleaded with me to get up then tried enticing me into the car with cookies, but I refused to budge.  After about ten minutes, Sister managed to trick me into standing and lifted my front end up in an attempt to "walk" me into the car.  This I found disturbing, but what was to come was even worse.  Suddenly, my back legs left the ground too; Karin had picked me up by my back end (and I thought you were cool, Karin).  So, in short, Sister and Karin pick me up and, together, tossed me into the back seat of the car before slamming the door behind me.  Sheepishly, I stretched out on the seat and slept the entire way home (truth be told, I was kind of hoping that that last part was a dream...turns out it wasn't).  So the moral of this story:  When Sister says get in the car...get in the car.

Keeping an Eye on Mecki
It goes without saying that I slept very well last night (Mecki, on the other hand according to Karin, was not at all sleepy).

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