Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Greetings 2017

Merry Christmas to my friends, family, and loyal readers!

 Love, Rigby 

Friday, December 15, 2017

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Not My Finest Moment

In writing the memoir that is this blog, I have come to understand that not only must I report all the good and ego-boosting things that occur in my life, but I must also record the less than flattering events as well.  So, here it goes.

My loyal readers know that my Sister is a fan of hamsters.  She's had quite a few over the years, but right now she has a mother-son duo named Mittens and Neville.  By and large, the hamsters and I have a relationship in which we ignore each other.  Sure, there are hiccups (like when Ma let Neville climb on my back), but for the most part, we have our separate lives and don't interact.

Last Friday, however, our worlds collided and it wasn't pretty.

Ma and Sister were in the back room (formerly known as the Land of No) cleaning the cages while Mittens and Neville ran around the room in their clear plastic hamster balls.  Usually, I ignore the seemingly self-propelling balls--after all, I've never been interested in chasing balls--but on this particular day, I felt curious and pushed my way into the room to investigate.

At first, I serenely watched as the two hamsters ran back and forth across the room.  They seemed content enough, bouncing off the walls and racing from one corner of the room to the other.  But then, it happened.  One hamster, Mittens, made a sudden right turn and began to charge me.

Horrified, I tried backing out of the room, but found myself stymied by the combination of hard wood floor and furry feet.  As I slipped and skidded in place, the hamster charging me suddenly veered off and away.  Relieved, I focused on getting my legs back under me.  Secure with my footing, I looked up and, to my horror, I discovered that Neville was now charging me.

Once again, my feet started slipping and skidding out from under me, but somehow, don't ask me how, I manage to propel myself backward and out of the room where I was protected by the door saddle which is apparently next to insurmountable via hamster ball.

Needless to say, it's going to be a long time before I live down the events of that evening