Monday, July 4, 2022

Game Time!

That Sucks!
The game of getting the toy or bone you want.


For the dog get his pick of any toy or bone in the house and for the human(s) to watch television in peace.


  • One lovable dog
  • At least one haggard human
  • Multiple high-quality toys and bones in varying forms (i.e., plush, squeaky, tug, balls, antlers, marrow, Nylabones, etc.)
  • A storage area (closet or counter) large enough to house said toys and bones
  • A chorus of spectators (optional)


  1. Human(s) settle down for a quiet evening of watching television.
  2. Dog decides that he is bored, that his existing toys and bones are all dull, and that the human(s) must be hiding far more interesting toys and bones elsewhere in the house.

Playing the Game:  

  1. Dog begins barking, carrying-on, and generally showing his displeasure for being bored and being denied immediate access to all the toys and bones in the house.
  2. Human(s) plead with dog to quiet down (shouting and noise making (i.e., hand clapping and whistling) is acceptable).
  3. Dog ignores human(s). If possible, dog increases his own noise and carrying-on levels.
  4. After much pleading, human(s) gives in and walks to storage area housing the supply of toys and bones.
  5. Human(s) produces a toy or bone from the storage area and presents it to dog.
  6. Dog sniffs offered toy/bone briefly then snubs it (chorus shouts “That Sucks”).
  7. Human(s) returns toy or bone to storage area.
  8. Human(s) produce another toy or bone from storage area and presents it to dog.
  9. Repeat steps 6-8 until end of game.

Winning the Game:

The game ends when the human(s) presents something to dog that he likes and runs off with it. If no acceptable toy or bone is available, human(s) may try offering a PB&K.