Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Student Has Become the Master

Fifteen weeks.  Sister and I have been working together for fifteen weeks now.  And you know what, it’s not over yet.  Week sixteen starts on Monday.

At first, I was Sister’s Administrative Assistant—showing up for work each morning, making sure that she ate her lunch each day, and negotiating the best deals (no one can say no when I show my ruggedly handsome face during a teleconference).  But recently, our relationship has changed a bit.  Yeah, I still show up in as many meetings and conversations as possible and I’m always at her side at lunch time, but lately, I’ve kind of morphed into the boss of our little two-person team.

Inspecting the Cat5
According to Sister, I’m quite a hard boss to work for.  She takes offense at the fact that I am waiting in the office for her to return from lunch each day (you’re a minute late!) and that I glare angrily at her when she wakes me up to go get a drink of water or a handful of pretzels (did I give you permission to take a break?).

And speaking of break time, Ma says that I’m extremely bossy on that subject.  Breaks hinge entirely on my schedule—when I want to go out and when I want to come back in—and I nosily express my displeasure if my wants aren’t met immediately.

What can I say?  I run a tight ship!

Oh, and because I was starting to feel a little frazzled and overwhelmed by all my responsibilities, I've hired a new employee to keep an eye on Sister.  Meet Mr. Squirrel...

Watching Sister