Monday, April 24, 2023

A Series of Small Adventures

The life of a devilishly handsome pup such as myself isn’t necessarily one exciting adventure after another.  Sometimes, it’s more of a series of small events packed in between well-earned naps and dinner breaks.  The last handful of months have definitely fallen under the category of the latter. Here’s pictorial collage of what I’ve been up to: 

Twined with Lamb Chop (that’s me on the right).

Suffered a post Easter hangover (parties take a lot out of me).

Worked on my patented “Aren’t I pitiful?” look (look at those big brown eyes).

Gained fame as an advertising star (shout-out to My Estate for posting this throwback picture).

Hung out in the great outdoors with my new squeaky ball (sod is quite comfy).

But there was one event from the last few months which was not captured on camera:  Pa and I bonded while sniffing a tree.  You see, Pa and I were heading out for our morning walk, when we stopped at the next-door neighbor's dogwood tree.  While I busily sniffed the base of the tree ("reading the newspaper" as Pa calls it), Pa leaned forward and sniffed a couple of the pink flowers hanging from its branches.  Sister witnessed this touching scene from the front window, but rather than be moved by it, she instead decided to mock Pa and I for it.  
Obviously, some people just don't appreciate a poignant father/son moment.