Thursday, January 2, 2014

Thanks Mecki!

My bff Mecki is the best gift giver in the world!

On Tuesday night, Sister decided that it was time for me to open the Christmas present Mecki gave me (it had been living in the "Land of No" since just before the holidays).  Needless to say, I was ecstatic by this decision (and a bit relieved--I was afraid Sister had forgotten).  Bursting with excitement, I scurried alongside Sister as she entered the "Land of No," retrieved the package, and tore open the holiday dachshund wrapping paper (I must admit that I was a bit disappointed that I didn't get the opportunity to unwrap it myself, but I figured that Sister needed some excitement too).

My New Toy
Inside the holiday dachshund wrapping paper (which, by the way Mecki, was a very nice touch) was a plush dachshund toy complete with floppy ears and a tail made out of banners.
 My tail started wagging in circles and I began bouncing up and down trying to wrench the toy from Sister's hand, but Sister refused to give it to me.  "I have to cut the tags off," Sister explained, "then we need to show Ma and Pa your new toy 'cause it's never gonna look this nice again."

Up the stairs Sister and I ran to show off my new toy to Pa who was playing on the computer.  He chuckled and said it was a nice looking toy.  Then down the stairs Sister and I bounded and waited in the kitchen for Ma to come up from the basement where she was washing clothes (I'm not allowed in the basement unless I'm being dried off after playing in the rain--there are too many things for me to get into down there).  Ma admired the toy as well and said that it was really cute.

Then, finally, it was my turn.  Sister told me to sit and when I did (I always do my tricks when I'm sufficiently motivated) she handed me the toy.  As fast as my feet could carry me, I scurried into the living room (I skidded a few times on the hardwood floor--Ma and Pa really need to buy a new rug) and threw myself onto the floor to investigate my present.

And what a present it was!  It was soft and had a great squeaker.  I lay on the floor chewing on it and shaking it by its little ears for a good ten minutes before I heard the "pop" of my teeth penetrating the fabric (followed by an "oh no!" from Sister).

Let the fun begin!

Enjoying My Toy
In no time at all, the puncture wounds went from a couple a holes to two large gaping tears along the dachshund's back and belly.  This got me thinking...seeing that the toy now had two holes in it, what harm could come of me sticking my snout into said holes and snuffing around?  So, I stuffed my nose in one of the holes.  Well, one thing led to another, and within seconds I was surrounded by a pile of stuffing, broken squeakers, shredded material, and detached ears.  And let me tell you, those were some wonderful seconds!

It's Snowing Stuffing!
Now, I realize that Mecki and I have two very different techniques when it comes to playing with a toy.  He gnaws off limbs and swallows them.  I, on the other hand, like to pull out the stuffing (I don't eat it...I just make a mess).  Despite our differences, I felt, as I ripped the head stuffing out of the toy, that I was channeling Mecki and that he'd approve not only of the fun I was having, but the job I was doing.

The Remains
Thanks Mecki for the great toy!

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