Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Every once in a while, someone in my family comes home smelling like another dog.  For some dogs, jealousy might kick in; "My [fill in the family member's name] betrayed me!  How dare he/she!"  For me, however, I feel...well...jealous also, but in a different way.  You see, whenever I detect another dog's smell on one of my family members, two thoughts go through my head:
  1. Hey!  [Fill in the family member's name] went to work and met another dog there.  Why wasn't I allowed to go to work?
  2. Hey!  Why did [fill in the family member's name] get to play with another dog and I didn't?
And the jealousy levels really spike when that dog my family member smells of is one of my friends.

Of all the members of my family, Sister is the one who comes home smelling of other dogs the most (I can't count the number of times she's come home from work smelling of my bff Mecki).  In fact, this happens so often that, over the years, she and I have come up with a system.  You see, originally, Sister would come home from work at lunchtime after playing with a dog in the morning and expect me to leave her alone long enough to eat her lunch before I was allowed to sniff her all over.  Well, it doesn't take a genius to know that that rarely worked.  While she would be desperately trying to eat, I'd be climbing all over her sniffing her from head to toe (and occasionally trying to take a bite out of her sandwich when she wasn't looking).  Not the best plan.  Now, with our new plan, as soon as Sister gets home from playing with another dog, she immediately lies down on the living room floor and lets me sniff until my heart's content and then eats her lunch.  Much better.

Well, when Sister came home from work today, she immediately assumed the "I Played With Another Dog So Sniff Away" position.  I ran over to her figuring that she had been playing with one of my Library friends (Mecki, Ralphie, Tink, Harry, or Zee Zee) and discovered, with just one sniff, that Sister had been playing with a new dog.

"That's Mecki's new little brother, Bastille" Sister explained while I sniffed her all over, my tail wagging furiously.  Bastille is a French Bulldog, Sister explained, with really big ears that point straight up to the sky.  She told me that he is super cute and really tiny (to view pictures and watch videos of Bastille, check out Mecki's blog).  She also told me that his Mom said that he, unlike Mecki, eats all his food (so I guess I won't be able to steal his leftover breakfast like I did to Mecki when he slept over) and has already figured out how to smack Mecki upside the head with his paw (just like me--I'm so proud).

So welcome, Bastille, to the pack!  I can't wait to meet you in person (sniffing is good, but it pales in comparison to actually bunking noses) and keep an eye on those dew claws (I'll explain when you're older).

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rigby,
    I now know how distressing it is to have another dog run under you! I never thought that could happen as low to the ground as I am! But Bastille sneaks under me. I might need to listen in on the dew claw explanation, cause Mom won't tell me what happened to mine!
