Saturday, March 14, 2015

Taking the Fun Out of Snow

Sometimes, Pa and Sister can be really mean.  Sure, they're awfully nice most of the time (Pa shares his cereal with me each morning (the flakes and the dried fruit) and Sister doesn't mind me sleeping on her bed), but they're also really quick to point out and mock me when...well, let's just say...when I'm not having the best of days.

Take, for instance, this photo:

It is a picture from last weekend of the trails I left in my wake after running through the snow that had accumulated in my backyard out east (I hadn't been out there in nearly two months so there was a solid one and a half feet of undisturbed snow blanketing everything).  Now, some might say, "wow, Rigby must have had a good time playing in the snow," and they would be one hundred percent correct.  Who wouldn't, after all, enjoy guffawing through fluffy white snow and gnawing on an icicle that had been snapped off the side of the house especially for you (thanks Pa)?  But did Pa and Sister focus on the fun I had when they saw these paw prints?  No, not at all.  Instead, they focused on the two round flat spots located half way through the trails.  Those "crater like holes" in the snow, Pa and Sister were quick to point out repeatedly, were the spots where I face planted.

Yes, I admit it, I stumbled when I was running through the snow (actually, I sunk in a melted spot and fell forward), and yes, I face planted when I did so.  But is that any reason for Pa and Sister to mock me repeatedly?  I think not.

1 comment:

  1. I think that what happened was this, and I do it all the time, when there is a lot of snow, I shove my face into it and wiggle. That creates a big hole which might be misconstrued by humans as a face plant. Running around in the snow makes you hot and then you can cool off by sticking your head in the nice cool snow.
