Friday, May 8, 2015

Perks of Being Sick

No one likes being sick--humans, dogs, and, I imagine, squirrels though I've never stopped chasing them long enough to ask.  But as miserable as people and animals feel when they're sick (believe me, nothing makes me more miserable than when I have an upset tummy), I have discovered that there are some definite benefits of sickness, provided you are not the one feeling ill.  Allow me to explain.

Over the last three weeks, my entire family has come down with a nasty long-lasting cold introduced to the household by Sister.  As a result, all three have, at some point, taken a day or two off from work to recover.  And that's where the silver lining lies--for me at least.  You see, when...

....Sister stayed home we spent the entire day lying in bed watching TV.

...Ma stayed home we spent the entire day lying on the couch watching TV.

...Pa stayed home we spent the entire day lying in bed sleeping.

Yep, that's right, I spent most of each day lounging on a nice, soft piece of furniture--occasionally rolling over to collect the odd belly rub (I know what you're thinking...even Pa, the last holdout of the "Dogs Aren't Allowed on the Furniture" constituency allowed the rules to go lax the day he stayed home sick).  And let me tell you, they were the best days ever!  Sure, I really could have lived without being called a bed hog by Pa and a couch hog by Ma (they weren't themselves so I'll let those hurtful statements pass this time) and I really would have preferred not to be continuously woken up by all the hacking and coughing, but the way I see it, any day I get to curl up on a bed or a couch with a member of my family is okay by me.

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