Wednesday, July 27, 2016

When the Spit Hits the Wall

Quick!  Drop everything and call the newspapers!

I am proud to announce that I have achieved a personal (and perhaps world) record:  I managed to fling spit a full 35 inches up the side of a vertical wall.

I'll pause here a moment to allow for the inevitable applause.

Thank you!  Thank you!

Wait, did I hear someone say "speech"?  Well...okay, if you insist!

It has been a long hard yet rewarding road I've traveled.  I've spent countless hours honing my skill.  I remember back when I was a little pup and first discovered the ability to leave unattractive black drool on unsuspecting pant legs and bedspreads.  I was so proud and my family was so disgusted (little did they know that that was just the tip of the iceberg).  But despite my success, I chose not to stop there.  I set my sights on higher goals and that was when I discovered the joy of leaving my drooly calling card on walls.  Of course, I started small, a few inches at a time, but with hard work and vigilance, I finally managed to reach the epic level I'm at today.  Look at me, I'm a champ!

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