Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Christmas Roundup 2021

Here's where it ended...

Me completely and totally exhausted after two fun filled days of new toys, tasty food, and lots of ear rubs.

In other words, Christmas 2021 was highly successful.

Here are some highlights from the holiday:

On Christmas Eve, I opened up gifts from my friend Gina and her pups Baci and Rocky.  They got me a pretty Christmas tree ornament with my name on it (Sister assured me that, despite looking delicious, the ornament was not edible...I'm still not sure I believe her) and a bag of snacks which I insisted on sampling immediately.

On Christmas morning, my family and I opened gifts which resulted in me:
Shredding a ton of wrapping paper,

accidentally consuming some wrapping paper,
and destroying one box.


When I wasn't "playing" with the boxes, I played with my own gifts:

A stuffed cow from my friend Jim and his pup Dixie,

a stuffed fox from Pa and Ma,

and a stuffed prehistoric turtle-like-creature from Sister.

Later, I even appeased Sister by agreeing to a quick picture with her in front of the tree (which actually turned out pretty good).

So yes, by the end of the day, I was completely and totally spent.  But it was so much fun!

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