Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Keeping Cool and Keeping Watch

My loyal readers all know of my penchant for air conditioning (how can they not, I’ve only waxed poetic on the topic a couple of dozen times in the last year). Well, I'm not done yet.  Here is yet another post dedicated to what I believe is the most wonderful invention since the dinner bowl:  the air conditioner.

I've been especially thankful for the air conditioner these last couple of days.  You see, we're in the middle of yet another heat wave and whenever it gets unbearably hot (like it is now), Ma, Pa, and Sister take pity on me and allow me to spend the entire day, while they are at work, in the air conditioned comfort of Ma and Pa's room.  Admittedly, being confined to a single room all day can get a little bit...dull (although the increased comfort level generally makes up for any and all boredom felt), however, every once in a while, I have company.  Yesterday, for instance, Sister was off from work and she and I spent the afternoon reading, crocheting (I only tried grabbing the ball of yarn once), and napping (my favorite) in the air conditioned comfort.

But there is one major downside to air conditioning, or at least the air conditioning system in my house where only a couple of rooms have window units.  You see, as much as I enjoy lounging in the air conditioning, I do still have my very important job of keeping track of the comings and goings of all those in the house.  I can't very well excel in my job if I'm cooped up in a single room all day, right?  So how do I get around this?

Yep, that's right--I jam my head in the doorway and prevent the door from ever being closed in the first place.  Instantaneously I have the best of both worlds:  I'm nice and cool from the air conditioner and I get to keep an eye on everything that's going on.  The downside of my technique, however, is that I have to listen to my family complain about how I'm letting all the cold air out of the room.

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