Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Bath Time Perks

I'm just going to come out and say it:  I got a bath on Sunday.  After spending a little over three months perfecting my odor, all my hard work was literally washed down the drain when Ma and Pa, in the guise of taking me somewhere nice, loaded me into the car and drove me over to the doggy spa where I was hoisted into a bathtub, hosed down, then lathered up with stinky smelling shampoo and conditioner. 

Now, over the years I've posted a number of videos of me howling, barking, and carrying on immediately following an event that I found less than pleasurable (such as a bath or ear cleaning) and chances are, I will continue to do so (my buddy Ralphie particularly enjoys listening to my rants)--especially if my family continues to insist that I maintain some level of cleanliness (their definition of the word, not mine).  But this time, I've decided to highlight a different aspect of bath time; not the displeasure, but the actual perks.

I know, I know.  All my loyal readers just re-read that last phrase in complete and total disbelief.  Could there actually be a perk to taking a bath?  Yes, in fact, there are technically three perks.  The first is all the treats I receive for participating in the bath (my favorite being cheese).  The second is how my coat glistens in the sun when it's clean (which causes even more people notice my devilishly good looks).  The third is the hairdryer.

The doggy spa has a blow dryer, but I'm not a big fan of it (no pun intended).  All it does is make a whole lot of noise, blow cold air on me, and prolong my time in the giant bath tub.  Nope, the blow dryer is not for me.  The hair dyer at home, however, is a different story:  it's not as noisy, the use of a professional tool leads to better control which in turn leads to more stylish hairstyles (such as the little curl I have on the point of my head) and, best of all, the air it produces is nice and warm.

Check out me enjoying the warm air:


And what could possibly make being nice and warm even better?  Being nice and warm and comfortable! 


Sometimes, however, the displeasure of having been given a bath rises to the surface and comes spilling out of me despite the fact that I'm warm and comfortable (Ralphie, this one's for you!).

Luckily, the displeasure dissipates quickly and the warm and cozy feeling re-asserts itself.

So there you have it.  It cannot be denied that bath time is a traumatic and sometimes demeaning event (who would want to smell like lavender or green tea?), but I would be remiss if I didn't also highlight the good.

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