Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A Very Ralphie Sleepover

Friday morning started with a surprise.  After Ma and Pa left for work, Sister told me that my friend Ralphie was going to be arriving at any moment for a sleepover and I was like:

"Whaaat?  Ralphie's coming over?!  Yay!"
As my loyal readers know, Ralphie and I always have a lot of fun when we get together.  Back in November 2012, I visited Ralphie at his house and he showed me how to make dog angels in the snow.  Then, last September, Ralphie slept over at my house and, while we only got to play together for a couple of minutes before his Mom came to pick him up (I had been out east with my Ma and Pa), we ran around the backyard and hit my family up for all the pets we could.

This time, however, we had almost twenty four hours to play and believe you me, we made the most of it.  We...

...watched Sister make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch and tried to telekinetically cause the peanut butter jar, the sandwich, or both to fall onto the floor (we only succeeded in making Sister feel very uncomfortable).

...debated whether or not we would be able to play a couple of rounds of Go Fish if:

a.  Ralphie had both his dew claws but no thumbs.
b.  I had only one dew claw and no thumbs.

(we decided the answer was probably no, but 52-Card-Pick-Up-And-Shred seemed possible).

...and told jokes.

Me:  "A cat walks into a bar and says to the bartender..."
Ralphie:  "Stop!  You're killing me!"

But we didn't spend all our time together.  Every once and a while, Ralphie went off to explore on his own.  Here's some of the fun stuff he did.  He...

...played with Monkey Monk.

...discovered that pizzas are out of season (but decided to pose next to the Pizza Tree anyway).

...and walked around with two toys stuffed in his mouth (and discovered that one of them still had a working squeaker).

But that's not all.  We also barked at the Chinese food delivery man when he had the nerve to knock on the front door, did our business all over the back yard (I'm only allowed to get away with that kind of behavior when I have company over--my humans insist on a designated business spot for everyday use), and forced my family to give each of us continuous ear and butt scratches despite the fact that they were quickly developing carpal tunnel in their wrists.

Two Buds Hanging Out
I'd say, overall, it was a highly successful day.

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