Monday, September 8, 2014

Security Breach

This was a really bad weekend.  First, Ma and Pa snuck out of the house on Friday night and went out east (where there's central air) without me (they thought sneaking out without their bags and all the paraphernalia they usually transport would fool me...well, it didn't).  Then, to add insult to injury, on Saturday it cracked 90 degrees (which really stinks when you're born with a heavy, though gorgeous, fur coat).

Me and My New Toy!
But I have the best Sister in the world.  She realized how upset I was and tried to make me feel better by letting me nap in the air conditioned comfort of her bedroom, setting up the doggy pool in the back yard, and finally, buying me a new toy (all of which kind of makes me feel bad for waking her up at 7:10 on Saturday morning).  But despite feeling better, these acts of kindness on Sister's part did not take away the sting of Ma and Pa going out east without me.

And speaking of out east, last weekend I discovered a major security breach.

As my loyal readers know, I am the king of security.  I bark when I hear a car door slam, I bark when someone walks by my house, I bark when a neighbor talks too loud, and I bark when I image any of the aforementioned scenarios.  But for some reason, despite playing, drooling, and mooching food off of a guest the night before, when they emerged from the guest room the following morning, I was completely, 100%, do-a-double-take, caught off guard by their sudden appearance.

I know what you're thinking:  "How can you lose track of who is staying in your own house?"  The answer's simple:  I've got a lot on my mind.  Consider the fact that on a normal day I must think about my next meal, who/what I should bark at, and which toy I should rip up next.  And the fact that these security breaches have only occurred out east further proves my point.  Out there I also have to think about interlopers such as bunnies, deer, turtles, and fish falling from the sky.

With all that on my mind, no wonder some odds and ends (and people) slip through!

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