Friday, April 17, 2015

Preparing for Tomorrow

It's that time of year again!  This weekend is Dog Days at Old Westbury Gardens!

But as much as I love Dog Days Weekend and look forward to it twice a year, I have to admit that I do have some reservations about this upcoming one.  You see, I usually spend at least one day of the weekend walking around the estate with my bff Mecki.  This has always worked out well in the past:  we run around (or at least as far as our leashes allow), his Mom takes pictures of him sitting in a tree (I laugh), we mooch food off the humans (Mecki's Mom always has treats in her pockets), we argue over who is going to lead the pack while we walk, and I give him an occasional paw to the head (which doesn't seem to faze him at all).  This year, however, is going to be different.  This year Mecki's little brother Bastille will be joining us for his very first Dog Days and, truth be told, I'm a little bit concerned about meeting him for the very first time.

Now, my loyal readers (who know me as the adventurous, overly friendly, handsome, and intelligent pup that I am) might question why I'm so perturbed about meeting Bastille.  After all, I've met tons of dogs in my lifetime and, with the exception of that Hell Hound I met a couple of years ago at Belmont Lake State Park, I've gotten along splendidly with each and every one.  So why am I concerned about Bastille?

Is it Bastille or a Piranha?
Have you read Mecki's blog lately?!

How would you feel if you were told that you'd be meeting a pup who's referred to as a "vampire piranha" and whose own Mom graffiti-ed a picture of a piranha to resemble him?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

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