Monday, September 24, 2018

The War Continues

Pavers in my Digging Spot
A few months ago, I reported that Ma had become fed up with my dig, dig, digging in the backyard and decided to take actions against it by planting pavers in my favorite digging spots.  Well, Ma might not have realized it at the time, but she had declared war by trying to thwart my digging and it has only escalated since then.

The latest battle in this war began last week when I made my way to my favorite digging spot under the forsythia.  Completely unperturbed by the pavers, I positioned myself closer to the forsythia's stems than I normally do, and began digging.

Immediately, Ma came running, yelling at me to stop.  Being the good boy that I am, I decided to obey her and scurried out from under the forsythia bush...and made a bee line to the other forsythia bush in the yard.

Wasting no time, I began digging at the base of the second forsythia.  I was so engrossed in my task that I didn't notice that Ma, after witnessing my behavior, had turned and disappeared down the driveway without a word. 

Suddenly I smelled water and heard the sound of raindrops on the forsythia's leaves.  Never one to enjoy getting wet, I decided to leave my hole and head toward the house.  Out from under the forsythia bush I came, only to discover that the sky was clear and the rain had stopped.  I took a step forward and suddenly I felt jets of water brushing against my head.

Ma had turned the oscillating sprinkler on me and I had walked right through it leaving wet stripes across my fur.

So, well done Ma.  Well done.  But remember, you might have won this battle, but the war isn't over.

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