Wednesday, April 24, 2019


It is a sad fact of life that a majority of pups such as myself do not have access to a cell phone.  Admittedly, there are a number of reasons why we don't have them:
  1. we don't have pockets to store our phones,
  2. we don't have thumbs or fingers to dial numbers or to text, and
  3. our phones would constantly be sitting in bowls of rice drying out from an onslaught of drool. 
So yeah, maybe it's a good thing that we don't have cell phones.

But we all need ways of connecting and communicating with others and I'm proud to say that I am front and center on two separate phone chains (one at home and one out east) that would put any cell phone connection to shame.

Here's how it works.

Every time I go outside, I stand in the middle of the yard or driveway and I bark.  Now, I don't mean the "someone is walking by my house" bark, or "I'm bored and it's fun to make noise" bark, or even the "someone slammed a car door three blocks over" bark.  No, I simply give one loud mighty bark.

And then, I listen.

Without fail, at least one dog will respond to my bark with a bark of his own.  And when that dog barks, another dog responds.  Soon, the whole neighborhood is barking and I find myself basking in the joy of talking to others and causing a commotion; a commotion that I cannot be scolded for because I have technically only barked once.

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