Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Autumn Naps

Every summer it’s the same thing. I lull my family into believing that perhaps I’ve grown up or calmed down due to the sheer amount of time I spend hanging around the house snoozing (usually in a pool of slobber). When I do get up, it’s usually only because I absolutely have to (I have to go out, I have to beg for food, I have to rid the backyard of squirrels) and even then, most of the time it's just for a quick jaunt before returning to my prone position in the air conditioning. And then…BAM!...the summer heat dissipates, the air becomes cool and crisp, and suddenly I’m back to my normal troublesome and energy-filled self, leaving my family, who had become accustomed to my laziness, flat footed and scrambling to keep up.

But despite this influx of puppy energy, I am, and will always be, an expert in relaxation and sleep.

Here’s me snoozing on the couch. During the summer months, even with the air conditioner on full blast in the window right behind me, I rarely sleep on the couch because it is just too hot. But as soon as the temperature gets a little bit cooler, there’s no stopping me. Now, every evening, after eating my PB&K and wiping my snout on the couch, I saunter over to my spot, put my front paws up on the cushion, and patiently wait for someone (usually Ma) to lift my back end up onto the couch. From there, I immediately throw myself down onto the cushion and stretch out as much as I possibly can, leaving my seatmate (also usually Ma) scrunched up in a corner.

My other favorite place to snooze is directly underneath the footrest of Sister’s reclining chair. Now, the extent to which I jam myself under the footrest depends on the day (sometimes it’s just my head, sometimes it’s just my back end, and sometimes it’s my entire body), but in the end, no matter what, I always make sure to pick a spot that inconveniences Sister the most. You see, with me occupying the floorspace under her footrest, Sister has no way of collapsing her chair once she’s in it. Instead, if she wants to get up, she needs to propel herself upward from a slightly reclined position while being careful to not step on me or completely topple over. It’s a lot of fun to watch.

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