Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Sister Free Weekend

This was a very strange weekend.  It all started Friday evening when Ma and Pa came home from work.  You see, Friday nights usually consist of my humans ordering a pizza (which I am rudely never given a piece of), watching Jeopardy, and playing tug with me and one of my toys until I rip the toy and start eating the pieces.  Not this Friday though.  Immediately after dinner the overnight bags came out, the car was loaded, and my travel t-shirt was pulled up and over my head.  This flurry of activity could only mean one thing; we were going out east that evening rather than Saturday morning. 

Now, it goes without saying that I was super excited about going out east (and considering that I was already excited because it was snowing outside, you can image just how revved I really was).  In fact, I was so excited that I jumped right into the back of the car and didn't even realize that someone was missing until a few minutes later when I did a quick roll call in my mind.  First, I looked to the driver's seat and noticed that Pa was there backing the car out of the driveway.  Then I looked to the front passenger seat and noticed, with horror, that it was empty.  "Oh no!" I thought, "we forgot Ma!"  Just when I was about to start whining with concern, I looked to my left and saw that Ma was sitting next to me in Sister's spot.  We had forgotten Sister!

Now, in hindsight, I shouldn't have been surprised that Sister was not coming with us.  In fact, thinking back, I do vaguely remember Sister trying to get me to sit still long enough to give me a goodbye hug and kiss when all I really wanted to do was race through the house displaying my excitement for the impending trip.  I probably should have just sat down and given her my paw or something.  Hopefully she wasn't too offended.

Anyway, it took us a long time to drive out to the other house because of the snow.  I passed the time sleeping on Ma's lap. 

I had a lot of fun out east.  I sniffed around in the snow, barked at two separate sets of delivery men, and ran around like a crazy dog in the dog park.  Best of all, I had Ma and Pa's undivided attention the entire time since, without Sister around, I was essentially an only child!  Now, don't get me wrong, I love Sister.  After all, she comes home at lunch time to play with me, she lets me sleep on her bed, and she is a bit of a messy eater.  But I must admit, she's a bit of an attention hog and it is nice to finally get all the attention that I so rightfully deserve.

On Sunday Ma and Pa told me that it was time to go home and check on Sister.  Ma and Pa stuffed me into my t-shirt and we all climbed back into the car.  Thoroughly exhausted, I collapsed on Ma's lap and dreamt of my weekend as an only child.

Sister was really happy to see me when I got home and gave me lots of pets.  She told me that she missed me a lot and that the house was really quiet without me around (by the way, I consider that comment to be an open invitation to bark as loudly and as frantically as I want whenever I want).  She also told me that while I was gone she got to play with Mecki at work and Aunt B came over on Saturday night.  I was a bit disappointed that I missed all the fun back at home, but I suppose Sister has the right to enjoy herself too. 

Then Sister told me that she had an extra special surprise for me in the living room.  I rushed in and saw...

Old Friends Waiting for my Return
 ...all my broken and ripped up toys all freshly sewed.  There was Baby, and Lyle, and Green Froggie (now missing two arms), and Purple Froggie (now missing two hands), and Zebra (now missing a nostril), and Rudy, and Giant Fish (now missing a back fin), and Allie the Alligator (now missing some teeth), and Goose, and Hedgehog, and Albino Hedgehog, and Mini Mecki (now missing the top of his skull), and Floppy Bunny, and Floppy Moose, and Denny I and II, and Gingerbread Man (now missing a hand). 

Welcome Back!
It was like a dream come true; all my missing toys returned to me!  I ran into the living room and went from toy to toy not knowing which one to play with first. 

Don't I have the best Sister in the whole wide world?

(Just don't tell her that I've already ripped a hole in Floppy Bunny.)

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