Wednesday, April 17, 2013

No Mess In Here!

We've all dealt with it before:  Tummy troubles.  There you are, minding your own business, and suddenly it strikes: the gurgling in the belly, the convulsing hacks, get the idea (by the way, if you haven't already figured it out, this post might not be the best thing to read during your lunch break). 

You see, my tummy has been bothering me lately.  On Monday and Tuesday I ended up losing the undigested leftovers of my breakfast (and only my breakfast--dinner stays down just fine) 6 to 8 hours after having ingested it. 

Thank you, I accept your sympathies.

Now, if you are a human, this nauseous feeling is upsetting and inconvenient, but when you're a dog, well, it's a disaster.  With one mighty hack you are suddenly out of a perfectly good meal (and when you're as food motivated as I am, this is a true tragedy).  And what's worse, you get to stare at the sad remains of what used to be your breakfast or dinner until your human cleans it up.  Now, if you had thumbs and could scurry into the bathroom and lift up the toilet lid before the sad event occurred, you'd be much better off.  But alas, you do not have thumbs and apparently one attempt at drinking out of the toilet is all it takes to gross out the humans enough to remember to put the lid down when the toilet is not in use.

As troubling as this tummy trouble is, I'm lucky to have a supportive family who goes to every extreme to make me feel better after the unfortunate event.  Once my stomach settles, Pa slips me a giant Milkbone cookie to make up for the meal I lost and Ma spends the rest of the day babying me and rubbing my belly.  I appreciate both tactics, but I especially enjoy Sister's methodology.  She makes a game out of it (and we played the game this afternoon).

As is customary, I greeted Sister at the door with Lyle Lyle when she stopped off at home during her dinner break from work.  Without even pausing to put down her bag or take off her coat, Sister knelt down, kissed me on the head, and asked:  "You wanna play 'No Mess in Here?'"  My tail went around in circles in a resounding yes.

The instructions for "No Mess in Here" are simple.  Sister and I travel from room to room, upstairs and downstairs, checking to see if I left behind a...ahem "mess."  When there is no mess in a particular room, Sister screams out "Yay!!!  No Mess in Here" and I wag my tail with great excitement.  Then we move on to the next room and repeat the process.

I am proud to say that today I passed with flying colors!

Yeah, feeling sick, and being sick for that matter, is not fun, but at least I can look forward to playing "No Mess in Here."

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