Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A Noisy Intruder

There are some dangerous things lurking the streets looking to infiltrate an unsuspecting dog's home security system.  Why is this?  It is because certain dogs do not take their role as Head of Security as seriously as they should.  Well have no fear, Rigby is here and I take my household security chores very seriously.

Early this evening, I heard a loud rumbling outside my house.  As is customary, I gave a low warning bark at the noise (after which, as is also customary, Pa told me to stop barking) then I put my head down and resumed my after dinner-before nighttime nap (after all, a warning bark is usually more than enough to scare away any potentially scary things lurking inside or outside the house).

A couple of hours later, Ma took me outside for my final business trip of the evening.  It was then that I saw it:  the large menacing and noisy intruder from before trying, unsuccessfully, to blend in with the environment right outside the neighbor's house.

So what did I do?  I sounded the alarm, of course.  I ran to the front gate and started barking as loud as I possibly could.

I guess I really frightened the intruder because he just stood there while I barked with a deer in the headlight look on his face.  After thirty seconds or so of menacing barking, Ma, feeling bad for the intruder, convinced me that I should go inside and leave him alone (she also promised me a cookie for being such a brave boy).

But before Ma locked the door behind us to ensure that the intruder did not try to follow us inside the house, Sister snuck outside to get a picture of him.  It's a little blurry, but I believe it successfully depicts the intruder's menacing nature.
The Noisy Intruder
So please, my four legged friends, do not shirk your Head of Security duties.  You never know what can be lurking outside your house.

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