Sunday, August 11, 2013


It all started out innocently enough (how many times has a story of mine started this way?). 

Yesterday, Sister and I were hanging out in the living room having just finished our dinners.  Sister was doing a masterful job of multitasking:  watching television while rubbing my ears and snout.  To my credit, I was making it quite easy for her because I was being particularly cuddly that evening.  You see, unbeknownst to my family (they found out at 4am this morning), my tummy was a little off and when my tummy is off, I become very needy (don't worry, a little grass and a 4:30am outdoor barking session and I felt much better).

So there I was taking full advantage of Sister's willingness to rub my ears and snout and tolerating the occasional kiss she insisted on giving me when all of a sudden I felt a tingling deep in my snout.  It started up by my eyes then slowly made its way down the entire length of my snout to my cold black nose.  Then, all of a sudden, my left lip curled into a snarl and my left eye closed as...


It goes without saying that I felt much better once that sneeze was out of my system.  But before I could enjoy the relief I had found, I was started by the sound of Sister screaming "Ewww!"  Yep, I had sneezed directly in her face.

Amid Sister's cries and the laughter emanating from Ma and Pa, I did the only thing I could:  I wagged my tail and smiled.

Now, I expected karma to find me because of what I did to Sister; I just never expected it to find me the way it did.  You see, this afternoon, Ma and Pa gave me a bath, but not at the doggy spa (my bff Mecki got a bath at the doggy spa this weekend...I wonder what he did to deserve it).  Nope, I got a bath smack dab in the middle of the driveway.  How embarrassing!

But was it worth it?  When all the pain and suffering of bath time is weighed against the look on Sister's face after I sneezed all over her, do I come out on top?

You bet I do!

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