Wednesday, November 27, 2013

An Ode to Sleep

Napping on Sister's Bed
Sleeping is one of my all time favorite activities.  In fact, sleeping ranks right up there with causing trouble (which includes, but is not limited to, stealing, ripping, crushing, and shredding), eating, destroying all evidence of the trouble I've caused (usually through consumption), and chasing squirrels.

Ideally, all naps would take place on a bed or a couch (or at least a nice sunny spot on the upper floors of a house), but I've learned to adapt over the years and have developed a series of techniques that allow for ultimate comfort and, in some instances, function. 

Here are four of my all time favorite sleeping techniques.  Please feel free to use and adapt them to suit your own personal needs and situations.

The Steamroller Technique
The Steamroller Technique:
A favorite when I was a little puppy, this sleep style involves rolling on one's back and flattening out as though recently backed over by a steamroller.  A true professional displays expert form by allowing legs and ears to sprawl out in all directions.  This technique is ideal for taking advantage of a nice cool spot on the floor during a warm summer day.

The Support System Technique
The Support System Technique (AKA The Intruder Prevention Technique):
Ideal for dogs interested in multitasking, this technique requires the sleeper to use his/her body to either support a load bearing wall or prevent intruders from entering through a doorway (as I'm demonstrating in the picture to the left).  This technique also ensures that no one can slip out of the room without the sleeper being made aware.

The Prince & the Pea Technique
The Prince and the Pea Technique:
In a slight variation of the classic fairy tale, this technique requires the sleeper to take advantage of a newly purchased pillow and a family too preoccupied to discard the previous one.  This technique is not without fault, however.  Due to the height of two pillows stacked one on top of the other, toys have been known to routinely fall off the cliff and the sleeper runs the risk of having all his blood rush to his head.

The Mecki Induced Coma Technique
The Mecki Induced Coma Technique:
Come to think of it, this really isn't a technique but instead an example of a devilishly handsome dog being so thoroughly exhausted from playing with his bff Mecki that he literally collapses in the middle of playing with a toy.

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