Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Dig, Dig, Dig

"I think I see a new place to dig!"
I consider myself to be an expert on all things digging and hole related.  I love digging holes, I love wallowing in holes, and I even love watching people fill in my holes (because that means I get to re-dig them as soon as that person turns his/her back).  And considering I'm generally not allowed to practice my hobby (for some reason my family does not want me digging up the lawn/garden nor do they particularly enjoy me being covered from nose to tail in mud) my workmanship is pretty impressive.  Consider some of my handiwork from the last couple of weeks.

A Cool, Shady Hole
Forsythia:  A couple of weeks ago I dug this hole under the forsythia bush.  I've used this spot before; it's one of my favorites because the sheer size and density of the bush makes it nearly impossible for my family to hook my collar and drag me out from under it.  I dug this particular hole because a) it was fun (the ground was nice and dry so every sweep of my paw caused a dust cloud to form) and b) Sister was distracted and not paying me the proper amount of attention.

Posing With My Hole
Vegetable Garden:  Recently removed from the "Land of No" list, the area that contains the vegetable garden is a treasure trove of entertaining digging mediums including grass, dirt, and the occasional bunny burrow.  A couple of days ago, I chose the cold damp dirt of the vegetable garden itself.  Now, most of the vegetable plants themselves were removed weeks ago, so sadly there weren't any tomatoes or peppers to nibble on, but that didn't hinder my enjoyment.  My nose got muddy, my paws got muddy, and Sister's pants got muddy when I casually rubbed my snout across her knee.

Scratch Marks on the Rug
Rug:  The inside of the house doesn't offer too many opportunities to dig, but being the creative pup that I am, I've managed to find a few spots.  Over the years I've discovered that the wall to wall carpeting in the upstairs hallway and bedrooms practically beg to be dug at.  And dig I do; I dig in the morning, I dig in the afternoon, I dig in the evening, and I even get up and dig in my sleep (this last one really annoys my family).

Digging in the Doggy Pool
There are a couple of places and times that I am actually allowed to dig (or "dig, dig, dig" as my family calls it).  The problem is, however, that these opportunities are few and far between.  I'm allowed to dig in the doggy pool and on the giant snow mountain my family builds me after every winter storm.  So, basically, I'm only allowed to dig on the hottest days of the year and after a significant snowstorm.  Believe me, that's not a lot of opportunities for a little dog who loves to dig as much as I do.

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