Thursday, May 31, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today is my birthday; I am three years old! My family keeps telling me that they didn’t think I’d make it to my third birthday considering what a troublesome and sometimes mean little puppy I was. Obviously I grew out of my mean’s the troublesome years I’m still taking full part in.

Me and my litter mates at 7 weeks
My special day didn’t start out exactly how I would have liked. A tiny little bunny (my family has decided to name it Henry) has, over the last two weeks, been trying to make itself at home in my backyard despite me repeatedly sniffing him out and chasing him away. This morning I discovered Henry lounging in my driveway in full view of the side door where I was sitting enjoying the cool morning breeze (it’s been super hot these last few days so the change in temperature was a welcome relief). I really wanted to go outside and chase that interloper off my property (if I ease up and let bunnies take up residence I can only image what would move in next…zebras or maybe rhinoceroses!), however, Pa wouldn’t let me so I just sat by the door and barked and barked and barked with my most menacing voice (my Sister later told me that I woke her up with all my barking). Despite all that effort, that stupid little rabbit wouldn’t go away. Afraid I would wake up the rest of the neighborhood, Pa closed the side door so that I couldn’t see that bunny any longer. To humor him I stopped barking, but I knew that Henry was still sitting there mocking me—eating my grass and hopping through the flower beds that I like to trample. Thoroughly depressed, I climbed up on Ma and Pa’s bed and stared sadly out the window. Apparently I looked so sad that Ma didn’t have the heart to boot me off the bed. I guess I should look depressed more often!

My day got much better later on though.

The Birthday Boy
At lunch time, Sister took me outside to get a picture of me wearing a ridiculous birthday hat she bought me. It was really kind of embarrassing, but, like the good dog I am, I humored her by letting her take my picture. In the process, however, I got five cookies, slobbered all over her, and destroyed five hats. I count that a win in my book.
Me & my Mini-Mecki

The birthday fun continued when Sister came home from work with a shiny paper gift bag. She said my two best friends in the whole wide world, Mecki and his mom Karin, had sent me birthday presents! First, she took a box out of the bag and showed it to me explaining that it was from Karin. I gave it a big sniff and my tail immediately started going around in circles (that’s how you can tell I’m really excited). It smelled really, really good—a bit like chicken and sweet potato. She opened the box for me (if I had thumbs not only could I open my own cookie boxes whenever I wanted but I would eventually rule the world) and handed me one of the cookies. Oh boy was it tasty and crunchy and did I mention tasty? When I finished the cookie, I begged for more but my Sister said that it would ruin my dinner and that perhaps I could have another later in the evening. I was very sad that I wasn't getting another cookie, but my mood changed when my Sister reminded me that I still had to open Mecki's present. With baited breath, and drool filled jowls, I watched as Sister pulled a long stuffed orange Bobo from the bag. "Mecki thinks it looks like him," my Sister told me, "and he made sure to roll on it so that it smelled like him too!" I must admit, there were definite similarities between Mecki and the toy! I grabbed the toy, made a bee line for the side door (I've found the best place to enjoy a new toy is outside), and, when my Sister opened the door, I ran straight for the backyard. I threw the toy in the air, I pounced on it, I ran around in circles with it, I played tug with it and my Sister, and I rolled on my back with it. I love my Mini-Mecki! Thanks Karin and Mecki!

My birthday didn't end there though! Later, after my humans and I ate our dinners, Sister played Mini-Mecki with me (tug, keep away, and chase) in the living room while Ma and Pa cheered me on. After a while, however, I started getting a little too rough with Mini-Mecki--I have a plucking problem--so Sister took my toy away from me saying we could play with it again tomorrow. I guess Pa didn't want me to feel disappointed on my birthday so he gave me a brand new flavored bone to chew on. That kept me quite busy for two hours.

The day might now be over, but the fun will continue. According to my Sister, I still have other birthday presents coming to me, but the decision was made to hold off giving me them all at once (no one asked my opinion on the matter). I was told I could have another some other day when I needed something to keep me busy. I would have liked to have all my toys at once, but I guess having my birthday spread out over days or maybe weeks isn't too bad either.

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