Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Bunny Infestation

The world is being taken over by pushy rabbits!

Exhibit A:  Henry, the stupid little bunny that keeps wandering into my yard, continues to do so and has really become quite a nuisance.  He is everywhere--in the hostas, under the pine tree, on the neighbor's lawn, under the other neighbor's porch--and while I scare him away each and every day, he always comes back.  How rude is that?  It's really starting to disrupt my life.  I can't enjoy myself in the backyard because all I do is run back and forth looking for him and protecting the perimeter.  Being inside isn't much better because I spend a fair portion of my time wondering if Henry is making himself comfortable right outside my door which just drives me crazy.

Exhibit B:  Over the weekend my family went into the city to see the play Harvey which, they tell me, is the story of a man who everyone thinks is crazy because his best friend is an unseen (and presumed imaginary) pooka that takes the form of a six foot three and a half inch tall rabbit (thankfully Henry isn't that tall).  My question is:  why would anyone want to be friends with a rabbit?

Exhibit C:  My best friend Mecki posted on his blog that he too has had to chase a bunny off his property recently.

What is this world coming to?

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