Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

This weekend was Father's Day weekend (yeah, technically it is only one day but Pa is so great he deserves the entire weekend).  I love my Pa a lot.  He really "gets me" and is always looking out for "his boy."

Pa and me (I'm on the right)
This weekend's fun started on Saturday when I helped Pa fix the washing machine.  Sadly, I wasn't allowed to actually help Pa take the washer apart (which really would have been a lot of fun--I'm great at breaking things), but I did get my chance to help when Pa started cleaning out the vent pipes.  What he did was hook an old towel to the end of one of my leashes then pulled the leash and towel through the tube thereby cleaning it.  I watched him do this a couple of times and I thought to myself, "I can help," so I grabbed hold of the towel and gave it a yank in the opposite direction.  Pa was very grateful for my help.

Next Pa took me outside to play in the yard.  After helping me check the perimeters, Pa decided to sit down and read a book while I kept an ever vigilant eye out for rogue bunnies.  After a while, however, I got restless so I went in search of something to chew on which I found in the form of a branch a squirrel had dropped from its nest high above in the tree.  I looked back at Pa and his book; he looked so bored.  He wasn't even ripping out the pages and shredding them!  It was then I decided that I should give Pa the opportunity to feel like a hero on his special day.  I repositioned the stick I was chewing on and...CHOMP...I managed to lodge the stick across the roof of my mouth.  Revving up a sad and pathetic look, I pitifully approached Pa and gave him the international symbol for "help, something is stuck on the roof of my mouth" (it goes something like "haaack" for those not in the know).  Obligingly, Pa put his book aside and, after going in wrist deep, managed to pluck the offending stick from my mouth.  I wagged my tail at Pa and he shook his head, rubbed my ear, and called me an idiot.  My hero!

The next day, the official Father's Day, was just as much fun!

First thing in the morning, Pa and Sister took me to the doggy toy store where Pa bought me a new collar (while I love my new black collar, I really wanted the collar stamped with bat signals--it would have made me look tough), food, greenies, and a brand new bone.  While we were there I met a number of new human friends who oohed and ahhed at how handsome I am.

Later in the day we had present time.  Sister placed my present for Pa in a big brown bag and handed it to me with the instructions to "Bring to Pa."  Well, I was so excited that I got a bit carried away and rather than bring the bag to Pa, I grabbed it and started ripping the bag to shreds.  After a second or so, I suddenly discovered that the brown bag was not empty--there was a bag of Beggin' Strips (It's BACON!) in there!  You see, I had asked Sister buy Pa a bag of Beggin' Strips about a week ago, but I've been so busy lately keeping track of all those bunnies that I completely forgot making my discovery a big surprise.  Spitting out the pieces of brown bag that were stuck on my tongue, I grabbed the Beggin' Strips bag and hightailed it out of the room and up the stairs.  Unfortunately, Pa was right behind me and managed to catch up to me before I got the opportunity to rip open the packaging.  I felt a little sheepish that I had essentially stolen back the gift I got for Pa, but he took it pretty well and gave me one of the treats to test.

Finally, rounding out the day, I got some Father's Day Surf 'n Turf.  Yum!

Holidays are great!

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