Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Good Friends

I have some really nice friends (both of the two legged and four legged variety).  Let me explain:

My Sister told me a couple of days ago that my good friend Rita had read about my run-in with the hound from hell in the park last week and was concerned that I was alright.  Sister told her that I was okay, that I wasn't bitten or anything--just a little frightened, and commiserated on my behalf with her how irresponsible some dog owners can be and how nasty certain dogs are.  I'm sure they also discussed how good natured and handsome I am, but Sister didn't tell me about that part of their conversation in fear that I might develop a big head.

After checking on my condition, Rita went home and informed her four legged companions Ralphie and Brandy of my status.  Now, I've never personally met either Ralphie or Brandy, but that hasn't prevented us from becoming fast friends.  Their Mom and my Sister have shared tons of stories about us and I know Ralphie and Brandy appreciate the videos I've posted (especially the one where I voiced my displeasure at getting a bath).  We've even exchanged Christmas cards!  Anyway, Ralphie and Brandy were quite relieved to hear that I was alright, but decided that I still needed a little cheering up.  What they did was really, really nice.

When my Sister came home from work yesterday she told me that Ralphie and Brandy's Mom had given her a note and a little plastic bag with my name on it.  I wagged my tail in anticipation as Sister read the note out loud to me.  It said:  "Dear Rigby.  Practice on these 'bunnies.'  Your friends, Brandy & Ralphie."  I wagged my tail harder.  "Bunnies!" I thought, "Brandy and Ralphie sent me a couple of bunnies!"

Bunny Cookie!
Well, it turns out I misinterpreted the note, but what Brandy and Ralphie gave me was even better.  They sent me two molasses and peanut butter flavored cookies in the shape of bunnies!  Now I ask you, what could be better than that?  I get to eat, I don't have to chase my meal (it has been really hot this summer), and I get to work out some of my bunny related frustrations.  It's a win, win, win situation!

Because it was almost dinner time, Sister said I could have one bunny cookie now and save the other for later (for some odd reason she thinks that me eating one, two, or say...thirty cookies would ruin my appetite--I really must talk to her about that misconception).  In order to make it last longer, Sister broke the cookie up into pieces and gave me each piece one at a time.  First, I ate his tiny bunny ears.  Next I ate his itty bitty little head where his stupid little pink nose would be.  Sister then broke the cookie's body up into four pieces which, pardon the expression, I wolfed down.  Last, but not least, I ate what would be his fluffy white tail.

I felt so much better after eating my tasty bunny cookie.  Thanks Rita, Brandy, and Ralphie!

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