Saturday, July 7, 2012

A Mocking Opportunity

I love my family.  I really do.  Sometimes, however, I don't appreciate the games they play at my expense.  One of their favorite games is to look at other animals and try to determine which act or look like me.  Now, if they were comparing my golden locks to, say, the mane of a lion that would be okay.  And I'd love for them to compare my shiny white teeth to those of a crocodile.  But no, instead they look for unflattering similarities which is exactly what happened.  Let me explain:

My family went to Atlantis Marine World yesterday.  Now, they could have been nice and brought me home a smelly eel to roll on or a puffer fish to play catch with (and I know for a fact that they were hand feeding skates so they easily could have stuffed one or two in a bag for me and brought it home), but no, instead they decided to play "The Game."

The Seal
After much searching and contemplation, my family ultimately decided on the animal they felt best personified me and took a picture.  Personally, I don't see the resemblance and I certainly don't appreciate what they are insinuating.  See what you think.

Now tell me, isn't it truly amazing what I put up with?  I mean, what a mean family I live with!  How could they possibly compare me with a big ugly gray seal sprawled out unattractively on its side by his pool?  So's so wrong!

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