Thursday, July 26, 2012

Happy Dog Day to Me

Today is a very special day.  Today is the three year anniversary of me coming to live with my two legged family.  In my family, we call it Dog Day.

Cute Little Me
I remember the day I was adopted well.  I had just turned eight weeks old and was tipping the scale at thirteen pounds.  That fateful Sunday morning, I was curled up with my brothers and sisters taking a late morning nap saving up my energy for lunch time (that was back when I got three meals a day--aah the good old days).  Suddenly, my dreams of puppy chow and chewing on my sibling's tails were rudely interrupted by Elaine, the nice lady who took care of my siblings and me since we were born, scooping me and one of my brothers up and bring us both upstairs into the kitchen.  We weren't awake yet, so when she placed us down on the linoleum floor we both slumped back down to continue our naps.  Well, the humans would have none of this and proceeded to try to get us to wake up.  My brother had no intention of humoring the humans and only groggily lifted his head up long enough to get his chin scratched.  I, however, eventually gave in and started to rough-house with Pa (we played the Spider Game--I chased Pa's hands as he made them scurry around the floor like a big five legged spider). After a little while, I determined that these three humans would be the perfect family for me and apparently my fun loving personality won them over as well.  Papers were signed, Elaine gave me a kiss on the snout, Ma, Pa, Sister, and I jumped in the car, and we started to my new home.

This wasn't my first car ride (Elaine had taken my siblings and me to the vet a couple of times for check-ups), but this was the longest ride I had taken thus far.  For most of the ride I slept in the backseat on Sister's lap, however, after about twenty minutes I started to feel a little car sick.  Without going into great detail, let's just say it was a good thing Sister had placed a towel over her lap.  Feeling better, I fell back asleep and didn't stir for the rest of the ride.

Already Crushing the Flowers
When we got home, I was once again rousted from my sleep.  My family took me into the backyard where my Aunt (and future babysitter) was waiting for my arrival.  I snuggled in her arms for a while then started to explore my new home while Ma and Pa went to the toy store (AKA pet store) to buy me food, bones, and toys (this was the first in a long line of events which made me realize that I was adopted by some pretty cool people).

My First Toy:  "Booda"
That night I slept in a my crate in Ma and Pa's room.  They were a little concerned that I would miss my siblings and cry all night, but I didn't make one peep (well, except for when I needed to go out).  Now don't tell my siblings this, but I kind of liked having the crate all to myself.  I could stretch out and no one tried to sleep on my head.

The next morning, I woke up bright and early to continue exploring my new environment.  The rest, as they say, is history.

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