Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Clean Bill of Health

I got my bandage removed today!

Okay, it didn't happen quite like that.  Allie the Alligator, the new toy Pa bought me, played no part in the removal of my bandage.  Nope, Ma and Sister drove me to the vet this evening, the nice technician took me in the back room and removed the bandage for me, and the vet gave me a clean bill of health.  Granted, my paw is far from pretty right now--it's gnarly and shaved with splotches of pink, black, and purple skin, and a few undissolved stitches--but I should be good as new in no time.

I have mixed feelings about having my bandage removed.  I'm happy because I was tired of having to wear my protective boot each time I went outside, I was really tired of the sticky tape from the bandage yanking on my golden locks, I was really, really tired of accidentally knocking myself upside the head with my leg when I rolled on my back (not to mention the ridicule I had to endure), and I was really, really, really tired of being yelled at for nibbling on the bandage and picking at the boot's Velcro fasteners (yeah, I could have left the bandage and boot alone, but what fun would that be?).  On the flip side, now I have to stare at the empty place my dew claw used to be (I miss it already), people won't stop Sister and me in the middle of the street to ask "What happened to the poor little puppy?" (what can I say, I love the attention), and worst of all, I heard Pa tell Ma this morning that once my foot is totally healed I need to be, not only washed, but groomed (luckily, I also heard the vet say that they should wait a couple of weeks before giving me a bath). 

Obviously, it's tough being a handsome, intelligent, and deep dog such as myself (though I am looking forward to chasing squirrels again).

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