Sunday, September 30, 2012

My Weekend on the Estate

My family surprised me this weekend.  They never told me that I was going to have lots of fun.  They didn't tell me that I was going to meet lots of other dogs.  In short, they never told me that this weekend was Dog Days at Old Westbury Gardens!

Me at Old Westbury Gardens.
On Saturday morning Ma, Sister, and I all piled into Ma's car and drove to my estate (Pa went for a ride someplace else--I was a bit upset when he didn't take me, but I got over it when Sister told me where I was going).  We had a grand time in the gardens, even though my sniffing and exploring ability was limited due to the fact that my long leash had been misplaced and I had to stay on my normal short one (if I must be on a leash at all times while on my estate, which I still believe is wrong, it should at least be long enough for me to sufficiently explore the territory).  We walked around two ponds, took some glamorous pictures, and stared down a squirrel (if I was on my long leash I could have chased it).  I also met a number of cousins (aka Golden Retrievers) including my friends Holly and Emma Rose whom I met at the last Dog Days weekend and a really nice half cousin (a Goldendoodle).  I even got the chance to bunk noses with a number of small dogs.  

Admiring the flowers.
Pa joined Ma, Sister and me at Old Westbury Gardens on Sunday afternoon.  I love it when Pa comes because he and I always have a good time when we're together (we even have a saying:  "Dogs and Pas know how to have fun" though Pa thinks the order is actually "Pas and Dogs").  Anyway, Ma found my long leash so I had the ability to really sniff around and check out all the trails.  Like the day before, I got to meet a tons of dogs including a few more cousins (even a blonde one like me) and a whole mess of little dogs.  I also took the opportunity to try my paw at a little mischief.  First, I tried to trick Pa into walking me over to the smelly plants I like to roll in, but apparently he remember the last two times we came to the Gardens and what a fool I made of myself (not to mention all the plants I crushed) and he purposely took me down a different path.  Then, at lunch time, I climbed up on the picnic table and laid down in hopes that my family would share their lunch with me.  I was kicked off, but Sister gave me a piece of ham from her sandwich for being such a good boy all day.

The only disappointing part of my weekend was that I never got the chance to see my best friend Mecki.

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