Monday, November 5, 2012

The Sandy Diaries: Part 1

Weather is weird.  One day I'm playing outside in the sun and all of a sudden the area is hit by something called a "Hurricane Sandy" and everything goes crazy.

I lost power in my house at 3:30pm on Monday, October 29th and have yet, at the time of this posting one week later, to regain it (I'm posting this from Sister's workplace).  Being the technologically advanced canine that I am, this week has been exceedingly tough; no blog posts, no Animal Planet on TV, and no checking in on my bff's blog.  Still, despite these hardships, I decided early on that I couldn't keep my loyal readers figuratively in the dark (even though I am literally in the dark right now) and deny them access to my moving prose and action figure lifestyle.  Therefore, I've kept an ongoing journal of my thoughts which I will share now.

But before I begin, let me first send out a message to my friends who have weathered this angry storm:  I hope you are safe and warm and please thank your two legged (for my dog friends) and your four legged (for my human friends) companions for their loyalty and support during Hurricane Sandy and her aftermath.

Let us begin...

Monday, October 29
All indications this morning suggested that it was going to be a great day.  Ma and Sister's bosses each gave them the day off and though Pa said he was going to work, I thought he was actually going to the doggy toy store to buy me a present.  Boy was I wrong!

As the day progressed, things became rushed and a little bit frantic.  Ma and Sister ran around the house cleaning, washing, and cooking dinner way too early (and I didn't get to test anything they cooked despite the fact that I helped them with the laundry--nothing tastes better than stinky socks, just ask my bff Mecki who actually swallowed one recently (he's okay by the way--the sock, not so much)).  Then Ma and Sister took me outside and said:  "Do your business now; it might be your last opportunity!"  Now let me tell you, that's an awful lot of pressure to put on a little dog and his bladder!  To make matters worse, my tail feathers (technically speaking, the long flowing locks down my back legs and my tail itself) kept being blown by the gusty winds.  Three words:  Very, very disturbing!

When I was done, we all came in and sat by the television.  No sooner had I found a nice bone to gnaw on when everything suddenly turned off.  I got up, grabbed the television remote control off the couch, and started walking around the living room with it hoping someone would turn the television back on.  Sister caught up with me, took the remote, and while scratching my ear, told me that there would be no more TV for a while.

As scary as the words "No TV" are, it got even scarier later when it got dark and the wind started really picking up.  Now, my go to response in similar scary situations is to go to sleep and wait for it all to be over.  I tried, really I did, but I was not able to take a good nap because my humans stayed up late listening to something called the radio.

Eventually everyone decided that it was time to go to bed.  I found it a bit odd when Sister started turning the couch into a bed, but being the loyal dog I am I curled up on my pillow by her side without question.  She thinks I'm staying by her side because I want to make sure she isn't afraid of the storm, but, truth be told, I'm sleeping here because I figure she'd be first one in the refrigerator once the power comes back on.

I plan on dreaming about all the sticks Ma told me would likely be on the ground when I wake up tomorrow morning.  I love chewing on sticks!

Tuesday, October 30
Can I keep it?
Oh boy a lot happened last night!  When I woke up I saw that Ma's prediction was correct; there were a ton of sticks and twigs and branches all over the place.  Ever the helpful pup, I set to work right away turning all those branches into wood chips, but apparently Ma didn't appreciate my help and kept taking my branches away (though somehow I always managed to find another larger and tastier one minutes later).  I found one branch that was literally two and a half times bigger than me!  I pranced around proudly with it.

Similar to the night before, my humans refused to go to bed early despite the fact that it was pitch black in the house.  All they did was sit around and play board games--BORING!
Sister is sleeping upstairs in her bed again tonight and I'm going to make sure I snuggle up nice and close to her so as to keep warm.  I just hope she doesn't kick me out because she thinks I'm hogging the bed (I have a bit of a history).

Wednesday, October 31
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!  This year, Sister decided that I absolutely had to dress up so she stuck a T-shirt on me and told me I was disguised as an employee where she works.  At first, I was a bit embarrassed, but I got over it quickly once she started giving me treats for being such a good boy and for not ripping the shirt to pieces (I would never do such a thing [insert evil grin here]).   I just wish Sister got me a larger size; the shirt was a bit small for my muscular chest.
I didn't even eat the pumpkin!
Anyway, I didn't get nearly enough naps in today.  Every time I laid down on the floor, a miniature witch, super hero, or blood-covered zombie, cheerleader, or office worker would bang on the door wanting candy handouts.  When the knocking first started I barked at the interlopers; they all wanted candy but no one wanted to pet the ruggedly handsome dog (what nerve!).  After a while I got tired and took a ten minute nap. 

Thoroughly refreshed, I returned to the door and started challenging kids to staring contests.  I'm proud to say I won each round.  Feeling bad for the defeated challengers, Sister gave each a bag of candy.
This evening, when my humans sat down to watch movies on Sister's laptop, Ma gave me a Kong filled with peanut butter.  It was tasty.

Thursday, November 1
The house is really getting cold and I'm particularly aware of because I don't have a very thick coat like most Goldens do.  That's why, in the wintertime, I wear a very stylish red coat when I go out.
Keeping warm

All through last night I stayed extra close to Sister so that we could share whatever warmth we each had.  In the morning, even though my belly was grumbling for my breakfast and I heard Pa in the kitchen, I stayed behind with Sister to keep her warm.  What can I say?  When you are part of a pack you always make sure your pack mates (whether dog or human) stay warm.

A sure indication of how cold it is is that Pa actually allowed me to sleep on his bed after I ate my breakfast.  When Sister noticed me there, she pulled up the blankets and tucked me in.  Then Pa came and wrapped his sweat shirt around my neck like a hoodie.  I think he was doing it to get a laugh at my expense, but I didn't mind too much--I was warm and comfortable.
Friday, November 2
My new stick
Tempers are starting to show as my family and I endure day four with no power.  Sister hollered at me a couple of times today, but I kind of had it coming because I wouldn't stop barking.  After yelling at me, Sister apologized to me and I gave her a big kiss on the cheek to say I was sorry for yapping so much.

Highlights of the day include wrestling another giant stick out of the bushes (Ma and Sister thought they had thrown them all out), Pa allowing me to sleep on the couch (granted, he had his feet tucked under me essentially turning me into a living bed warmer), and having Sister tuck me in under her blanket when we went to bed.

Saturday, November 3
It was really, really cold last night.  Luck for me, Sister has been sharing her blankets with me and Pa heated up the water (or gravy as I call it) that he puts in my kibble in my breakfast this morning.  True, it's not quite oatmeal, but it was really tasty.

I spent most of the day with Ma because Pa and Sister went out east to check on the new house.  When they came home this evening they were smiling and happy because:

Sister out east w/ broken branches
1.  while a lot of branches fell, none fell on the house (I'm looking forward to chewing on some of those branches)

2.  the house had electricity, heat, and hot water

Needless to say, Ma and I were quite jealous.  Pa and Sister said we were lucky they came back.
And to my Aunt B:  I hope your hand feels better real soon and remember, petting a dog is the best physical therapy available (I'm always available for a session)!
Sunday, November 4
It is really, really cold in the house right now and Sister's blankets aren't cutting it any longer.  She says she's going to have to look around for some more for tonight.
Today Sister sewed up a few of my toys and I had a lot of fun playing with Lyle, Fish, and Zebra.  She even waived the required 24 hour drying period and sewed up Fish a second time after I tore it again.  I have the best Sister!

Sister told me that everything was going to change on Monday because she and Ma were going to be going back to work.  I'm going to miss them a lot.

Ma put something called flannel sheets on Sister's bed this evening.  Sister says I'm really going to like them, but frankly they don't sound like tasty food to me. 

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