Monday, March 11, 2013

Not a Good Day

Some days are filled with exciting trips, playful thievery, destruction, and other entertaining doggy events.  Other days, however, I question why I even bother to wake up and get off of Sister's bed.  Yesterday was of those days.

It started in the wee hours of the morning; yesterday was the beginning of Daylight Savings Time.  Now, I have mixed feelings about the entire event.  On the one paw, when it begins in the spring and the clocks "spring ahead" an hour I get my breakfast an hour early and when the clocks "fall back" I gain an extra hour of sleep.  However, on the other paw, when the clocks "spring ahead" I lose an hour of sleep and when the clocks "fall back" I have to wait an entire extra hour to have my breakfast (and my family doesn't even offer me a midnight snack).  So, in short, I lost an hour of precious beauty sleep yesterday, which kicked off a series of less than pleasant event throughout the day.

Wallowing in the Mud
Shortly after breakfast, Ma and Pa pounced on me and cleaned my ears.  I was a good boy and let them do what they had to do, but I did my best to dissuade them by shaking uncontrollably.  Sadly it didn’t work.  After what seemed like forever, I was finally released, ate their offering of a piece of leftover roast beef, and proceeded to drag my head along the living room rug, howling with displeasure.  I wish I could say that I felt better after carrying on the way I did, but to be honest, I did not.  Seeking out another way of showing my anger, I found a nice muddy spot in the yard and rolled around in it.

Now, in hindsight, I should have been suspicious when no one came out of the house screaming that I needed to stop wallowing, but the nice cool mud on my face felt so good that I just didn’t think things through.  If only I had…

Shortly after coming back in the house, Ma and Pa removed my everyday collar, slipped on my "Bling" (AKA my prong collar and choke chain), and loaded me into the car.  As Pa drove, my mind kept jumping from “Oh boy! We’re going for a ride in the car,” to “This is not good—no collar means I’m getting a bath,” and back again to “Oh boy! We’re going for a ride in the car."  Minutes later, Pa parked the car, we all climbed out, and then we started walking the half block to the Doggy Spa (Ma's words, not mine...I think she's just trying to trick me into thinking that I'm going someplace nice).  It was the longest half block of my life.  It was like walking to my doom.  True, I enjoy showing my handsome shiny blonde coat off to the world, but I also work really hard at getting nice and stinky and sometimes I feel like people don't appreciate my efforts.  Sister, however, appreciates my stinkiness.  In fact, while I was walking to my doom--I mean bath--she drove by and yelled out the car window that I was a "stinky dog."  Sister always says the nicest things.  Eventually, despite my protests, I was led into the Doggy Spa where I was shampooed, conditioned, and towel dried.

Shortly after getting home from the Spa (and after Ma and Sister dried me off using a nice warm hair dryer which I love) I noticed that my ear was bothering me.  I think that Ma and Pa accidentally sloshed water in my ear during my bath (which, to my thinking, is yet another reason why I should not have to endure the hassle of getting regular baths).  Let me tell you, it is really annoying to have water in your ear; I keep shaking my head, but the water never becomes dislodged.  Now Sister is annoyed at me because my shaking apparently kept waking her up last night.  Hey, at least her ear wasn't full of water. 

So, in summary, I lost an hour of sleep, had my ears cleaned, got a bath, and ended the day with water stuck in my ears.  Yesterday was not a good doggy day.

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