Friday, May 10, 2013

A Winning Combination

I'm not picky when it comes to food.  I love human food just as much as I love dog food.  I'll happily eat steak, fish, turkey, cold cuts, cheese, pasta, carrots, celery, green beans, oranges, apples (I particularly enjoy eating apples directly from the core), bananas, peanut butter, bacon, potato chips, ice cream, frosting, bread, cereal, dried fruit, berries, and tomatoes and I'll certainly never turn up my snout at Milkbones, kibble, and special flavoring (canned dog food Ma and Pa mix into my dry kibble to make it extra special--Sister refuses to give me any because she says it smells bad).  Then there is the ever tasty 'questionable' food group:  grass, sticks, ants, and pieces of paper.  I guess you can say that I'm an unprejudiced eater.

Anyway, recently I was introduced to one of the most delicious things I have ever tasted.  It's a combination food that I'm willing to, right here and right now, declare as my absolutely positively favorite food ever:  Peanut Butter Ripple Ice Cream.

I know, it sounds delicious, doesn't it?  In fact, it's a best of both worlds situation.  You get the cold creaminess of vanilla ice cream and the peanuty goodness of the peanut butter (I'm told that there are also chunks of peanut butter cup candy mixed in, but Sister is quite efficient at picking them out).

I was first introduced to this spectacular conglomeration of ice cream and peanut butter a couple of days ago by Sister.  You see, tradition in my house dictates that each family member is required to leave me a taste of their dessert when they are finished eating.  Pa and Sister tend to be a bit stingy with their leftovers while Ma, on the other hand, is very generous.  Anyway, on this particular day, I sauntered over to Pa and collected my taste of Klondike bar and then consumed the left over Haagen-Dazs chocolate ice cream Ma left me.  Then I turned to Sister.  "You're really gonna like this," she said as she held out her dish.  With one lick I was hooked.  It's ice cream!  It's peanut butter!  It's both!  It was love at first taste!

Now all I need to do is learn how to break into the freezer while everyone is at work and polish off the rest of the pint.  Wish me luck!

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