Sunday, September 29, 2013

Dog Day Weekend

Two weekends a year, a wonderful thing happens:  Old Westbury Gardens opens its doors to canines and humans alike in an event known as Dog Days.  Over the years, I have made it my business to take part in the festivities and this year was no different.


An Extreme Close-Up of Mecki
On Saturday, Ma, Sister, and I met my bff Mecki and his Mom and Dad at what has become known as "Rigby's Wall" (it's the wall I'm standing on in my profile picture at my very first Dog Day weekend).  Mecki and I exchanged hellos with our humans (sorry, Karin, for almost taking off your hand when you gave me that treat, but did you notice that I actually ate the entire cookie this time rather than simply chew it apart and spit it out?) then we turned our attention to playing.  Mecki rolled over me multiple times in greeting and I swatted him with my paw.  We also chased each other as far as our leaches would allow.

Then something strange happened.  A nice Japanese family came over and asked if they could take a picture with me.  I wagged my tail with glee!  "I've finally made it," I thought, "I have groupies!"  Basking in the thrill of being a celebrity (okay, I realize that the chances of this family recognizing me from my blog is small, but a dog can dream), I positioned myself in the grass and smiled at the camera while they posed next to me. 

Mecki and I
After the impromptu photo session, Mecki and I wandered our way through the gardens.  Along the way, we bunked noses with some dogs (including Emma Rose, the Golden Retriever cousin we bump into at every Dog Day event), took some pictures, sniffed some bushes, and Mecki's Mom put him in a tree for the second year in a row (Mecki was not thrilled by this...I was just happy that I'm too big for Mom and Sister to do the same to me).

Having checked out all the dog friendly spots in the garden (for some reason dogs are not allowed in the formal gardens...not sure why) we all headed back to our cars, said our goodbyes, and headed our separate ways (and I got into the car without Karin's help--I learned my lesson last time).


Hanging Out IN the Garden
This time, Pa joined Ma, Sister, and I at the estate.  As soon as we exited the parking lot, a big commotion started from within the vender's section and suddenly everyone was screaming and running toward us.  At first, I thought all the hubbub was a result of my celebrity status and I cursed myself for not remembering to bring an ink pad to sign autographs with, but the crowds ran right past me.  Turns out, they were chasing after a little spindly dog that had gotten loose and was running toward the wooded area.  I won't lie, I was a little disappointed, but I reminded myself that I would never want to become such a celebrity that I wouldn't be able to enjoy Dog Days without a huge mob forming around me.  So, I lifted my head up high, and continued into the gardens with Pa, Ma, and Sister.

Johnny and I
A little later on, I ran into a cousin named Johnny.  Johnny and I got along right away.  It turns out, we both play the exact same way...we cheat at every opportunity.  He was very mouthy and kept grabbing my ears and my paws and tugging while routinely rolling over top of me.  I, on the other paw, kept trying to go up and under him and eventually used my secret weapon, the atomic butt, to subdue him (yes, I sat on him).  Johnny and I had a great time pouncing, rolling in the grass, and tying our humans up with our leashes and we were both quite disappointed when our humans said it was time to move on.  With a parting sniff, Johnny went home and my family and I continued through the gardens where I bunked noses with a number of other dogs who, while nice, were not fun like Johnny.

Checking Out The Estate
When we were done, Ma, Pa, Sister, and I walked back to the car and started home.  Totally exhausted, I slept the entire way on Pa's lap.

I can't wait for next spring's Dog Days!

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