Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Fun Weekend, Except If You're A Flower

I've discovered that weekends come in three varieties:
  1. Lazy Weekends at Home:  involves finding a warm sunny spot on the floor, taking a nap, waking up, finding a new warm sunny spot on the floor, and taking another nap.
  2. Action Packed Weekends Out East:  involves chasing squirrels, going to the beach, running up and down the porch steps, and tracking deer.
  3. Dog Days Weekends:  involves exploring Old Westbury Gardens with my favorite two and four legged friends.
Well, this weekend was a Dog Days weekend, and let me tell you, despite it being a little too warm for comfort (it has been a very cold, very snowy winter and I haven't gotten around to shedding my entire winter coat yet), I had a blast.

Here's a rundown of some of the fun stuff that happened this weekend:

Saturday: (Visiting the Estate with Ma, Sister, Mecki, and Mecki's Mom)
- Went berserk in the car when I realized that Sister had parked her car next to Mecki's and that Mecki was barking at me from the front passenger seat.

- Patiently listened while Sister brought to my attention the fact that Mecki was sitting, unrestrained, in his seat, next to an open window in a convertible, and was not trying to jump out (geez...you jump out of a moving vehicle one time and you never live it down).

Mecki Pulls Ahead
- Played follow the leader with Mecki (Mecki hates it when I lead).

Giant Water Bowl
- Hit up Mecki's Mom for lots of Pup-Peroni treats (and only once nearly took off her hand when trying to grab the treat).

- Inspected the biggest water bowl I have ever seen (Sister said it was a fountain, but I don't believe her).

- Drank out of Mecki's water bowl (I left him some water).

- Singled out one clump of daffodils in a sea of grass and peed on them (with an audience watching and, ultimately, moaning in distaste).

- Took some stylish (and less than stylish) photos.

Sunday: (Visiting the Estate with Ma, Sister, Tink, Zee Zee, and Tink and Zee's Mom and Dad)
- Met a Golden Basset (a weird combination, but she seemed nice enough--though a bit short).

Walking with Tink
- Jumped ten feet in the air with fright when Tink managed to sneak up on me in the Rose Garden (for a big dog, she's quite light on her feet).

- Got yelled at by Sister for trying to dip my feet in the communal watering trough (I saw no sign forbidding public bathing).

Tink and Me Staring At The Bird
- Settled for dipping my entire snout in the communal watering trough (hey, it was hot).

- Competed with Tink and Zee Zee to see who could retain the most water in his/her face (I had to admit defeat when I realized that my enormous jowls were no match for their absorbent beards).

- Conspired with Tink and Zee Zee to grab the remains of a dead bird we found next to where our humans were resting in the shade (sadly, we did not succeeded in our quest).

Later, At Home
My New Leopard Toy--Thanks Sis!
Spit Ball!
But the fun didn't end at Old Westbury Gardens; it continued when I got home. Sister bought me a brand new toy (a plush leopard that's longer than me) from the doggy toy store and Pa gave me an old baseball he found when he was cleaning out the basement (Ma took it away from me last night when I finally managed to tear off its outer shell).

All in all, not a bad weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Rigby,
    The only reason that Mom can keep me unrestrained in the front seat with the top down and not worry about me jumping out is: My legs are way to short! I can barely stand up and look out the window! It is a sad sad thing-possibly related to my lack of dew claws but as you know, Mom is mum on that!
    your bff, Mecki
